No one should have to grieve alone. At Kate's Club, during the holidays or any day, they do their part to make sure no one does
It can come at any time for any reason and during any season. When it comes to the holidays, it can hit differently for just about anyone, including our young people.

During the current holiday and literally any day, Kate's Club, a nonprofit (501c3) established a little over 20 years by Kate Atwood given her personal and family experience regarding grief (due to the loss of her mother), does their part to provide access to resources and related support for youth, young adults, adults, and families regarding this health and wellness area of concern (click HERE for our August coverage). With a wide array of programming (click HERE for their Memory Walk in November 2024), their reach is not only in Atlanta, but with sites in Albany, Athens, Brunswick, and Newnan (GA).
Recently, we are fortunate to have an enriching conversation with Lane Pease-Hendricks, the foundation's Director of Education and Innovative Programs. She provides tremendous points of reference regarding her role and the larger goals of the foundation given the audiences and communities served.
With their recent event during the current holiday season (on December 14, 2024), more than 170 people are served. Their balance of activities along with the collaborative work of the Widow Empowerment Program (who provides holiday items for youth and families) along with their fun activity for the day (bowling) not only provides a sense of joy to balance the sadness, but helping build a sense of community and a space to meet people where they are while building a sense of community.
The foundation is focused on their assertive presence and perspective in working with families, but providing extensive volunteer opportunities for individuals and organizations who have a genuine interest in working with youth and families. And yes, there's opportunities for broader support, so all are encouraged to learn more (click HERE to visit their website).
Again, with a mantra of no one should have to grieve alone, Kate's Club is doing their part to simply reach and empower youth, young adults, adults, families, and communities to know there are resources available to help them. During the holidays or any day, simply knowing is half the battle.
And it's a battle Kate's Club is fighting each day.