Championship Saturday: the Georgia Spartans and Atlanta Legends battle for it all one more time
Championship Saturday.
The United Men's Basketball League has some great semi-professional basketball play for the 2021 season. On May 29th at 2:30pm (5883 Highway 155 North in Stockbridge, GA), the league's top-2 teams are competing for the coveted league title.
As if their regular season matchups (a 112-105 game - click HERE for the recap, along with their 135-130 game a mere 2 weeks ago - click HERE for the recap) aren't competitive enough, the level of competition for "all the marbles" definitely should lead to the arguably the most anticipated game of the season between the Georgia Spartans (1 loss on the season) and the Atlanta Legends (2 losses on the season, both at the hands of the Spartans).
The Spartans narrowly advance to the championship game as they squeeze out a 1-point overtime win. The Legends clearly are coming in with added incentive to avoid losing to them a 3rd time.
Tickets are $10 per person; children 12 and under are free to attend.
It's Saturday. It's basketball. It's the United Men's Basketball League.
Make that championship Saturday.
Notes: All photos and video recorded by Andrew Snorton.
Photo and video key:
(Used with the permission of the Georgia Spartans). It's game day/championship Saturday. The league's top 2 teams compete for the title this Saturday.
Photo grid: A snapshot of both matchups during the regular season. The two games are decided by a combined 12 points.
Video: A snapshot of game highlights from the team's first matchup of the season (a 112-105 win by the Georgia Spartans).